
growing veganism vegan statistics vegan benefits

Vegan Revolution: Statistics & Developments to Make Animal & Earth Lovers Happy

Food is very fundamental to our existence as it is the only resource-consuming aspect of our lives which around 8 billion people engage in at least three times a day. The food industry, however, is responsible for a substantial portion of greenhouse gas emissions. By transitioning to a plant-based diet, or even reducing meat and …

Vegan Revolution: Statistics & Developments to Make Animal & Earth Lovers Happy Read More »

Being Compassion or Vegan is Not a Choice, But a Necessity

The Rise of Veganism – Compassion is Not a Choice, But a Spiritual Mandate

In a world where ethical concerns and environmental issues are at the forefront of global discussions, the concepts of compassion and veganism have gained significant attention. While some perceive them as personal choices or dietary preferences, it’s essential to understand the basic responsibility towards being a human. By doing so, compassion and veganism become moral …

The Rise of Veganism – Compassion is Not a Choice, But a Spiritual Mandate Read More »