
Hindu Vedantic Philosophy: Karma Yoga, Right Actions, & the Path to Liberation

Exploring Hindu Vedantic Philosophy: Karma Yoga, Right Actions, & the Path to Liberation

Hinduism, one of the world’s oldest and most intricate belief systems, encompasses a diverse range of philosophies and practices. At the heart of Hindu philosophy lies the concept of Vedanta, which seeks to understand the nature of reality and the relationship between the individual soul (Atman) and the ultimate reality (Brahman). Within this framework, Karma …

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Unveiling the True Self: Why Spirituality is Anonymous to Self-Knowledge & Enquiry?

Unveiling the True Self: Why Spirituality is Anonymous to Self-Knowledge & Enquiry?

In a fast-paced world filled with constant distractions and challenges, it’s easy to lose touch with our inner selves and become overwhelmed by external circumstances. In such a scenario, spirituality can offer a pathway to self-discovery, inner peace, and a balanced perspective on life. Spirituality is not confined to any specific religion or belief system; …

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Exploring Interconnectedness & Oneness: The Connection Between Spirituality & Nature

Exploring Interconnectedness & Oneness: The Connection Between Spirituality & Nature

In a fast-paced world dominated by technological advancements and urban landscapes, the concept of interconnectedness and oneness might seem distant and intangible. However, many ancient spiritual teachings, indigenous cultures, and philosophical beliefs remind us of the profound connection between all living beings and nature. In this article, we delve into the concept of interconnectedness and …

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Advaita Vedanta: The True Spiritual Philosophy for Self-Knowledge, Holistic Excellence, and Liberation

Advaita Vedanta: The True Spiritual Philosophy for Self-Knowledge, Holistic Excellence, and Liberation

In the vast tapestry of spiritual philosophies that have flourished over the millennia, few have captured the essence of human existence and the ultimate reality as profoundly as Advaita Vedanta. Rooted in the ancient scriptures of India, this non-dualistic school of thought offers a profound understanding of the self, the cosmos, and the interconnectedness of …

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growing veganism vegan statistics vegan benefits

Vegan Revolution: Statistics & Developments to Make Animal & Earth Lovers Happy

Food is very fundamental to our existence as it is the only resource-consuming aspect of our lives which around 8 billion people engage in at least three times a day. The food industry, however, is responsible for a substantial portion of greenhouse gas emissions. By transitioning to a plant-based diet, or even reducing meat and …

Vegan Revolution: Statistics & Developments to Make Animal & Earth Lovers Happy Read More »

Spiritual Philosophies from Around the World

Beyond Beliefs: Spiritual Philosophies from Around the World

In a diverse and interconnected world, spiritual philosophies play a vital role in shaping our beliefs, values, and understanding of the universe. Across cultures and religions, there are numerous profound and captivating spiritual philosophies that offer unique insights into the mysteries of existence. In this blog, we will embark on a journey to explore some …

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Being Compassion or Vegan is Not a Choice, But a Necessity

The Rise of Veganism – Compassion is Not a Choice, But a Spiritual Mandate

In a world where ethical concerns and environmental issues are at the forefront of global discussions, the concepts of compassion and veganism have gained significant attention. While some perceive them as personal choices or dietary preferences, it’s essential to understand the basic responsibility towards being a human. By doing so, compassion and veganism become moral …

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Why You Must Not Pluck Flowers

This is Why You Must Not Pluck Flowers, Even for Puja (Worship)

Many of us (especially from India) have the habit of plucking flowers from public gardens or from the roadside to offer to the deities. Many people even carry bags during their morning walk to collect flowers they have plucked from public gardens, the roadside flower trees or even the gardens of their own housing societies. …

This is Why You Must Not Pluck Flowers, Even for Puja (Worship) Read More »

hoe to reduce your carbon footprint

Transformative Lifestyle Changes to Drastically Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

In a world grappling with the escalating threats of climate change, it is crucial for individuals to recognize the profound impact of their daily choices on the environment. While simple actions like turning off lights and conserving water are important, the magnitude of the climate crisis requires more significant lifestyle changes. This blog will delve …

Transformative Lifestyle Changes to Drastically Reduce Your Carbon Footprint Read More »

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Why You Should Adopt Minimalism for a Dignified and Purposeful Life?

In today’s fast-paced and consumer-driven society, we often find ourselves overwhelmed by clutter, material possessions, and a constant pursuit of more. However, there is a growing movement that advocates for a simpler, more intentional way of living: minimalism. Minimalism is not just about decluttering your physical space; it’s a mindset that encourages you to focus …

Why You Should Adopt Minimalism for a Dignified and Purposeful Life? Read More »